paivi.ihamaki@phpoint.fi +358 41 314 6305, Miljoonatie 366, 34800 Virrat
Born 1963 Alajärvi, FINLAND
'Painting is like clear your mind, I think.
Creativity based on millimeters at my work as architect which I am trying to get rid of my paintings. Not a line in my work is not dragged ruler, arch and round shape rather daring run free. Palette Knife bring noon to work with colors and shapes of freedom to the world, then the most important thing is the moment and the mood. I like colors, but my works are not a joy of color, rather subdued and thoughtful. If I used my favorite color, my work would be blue. Each work I give a piece of me, and part of my memories, which I want to share.
I admit to being curious and experimental, I try often same theme in
different techniques. It gives a new dimension to my works. Bronze, I have
found a great new challenge. Challenges fascinate me, this material is itself a
strong, but in thousand degrees so delicate, success is not self-evident.
Numerous steps, diligence, and yet the result can be unpredictable - art. I
have also tried graphics, I recognize that it fascinates, but whether it is a
return to millimeters.
Currently operates as president of Europe Culture Association in Finland,
www.ekynetti.com. She says it has received through the hobby of an entirely new
friend to the field. Encouragement from friends, she recognizes the importance.
We are different, we can see a difference in our environment, we feel and
interpret in various ways, still belong together. Art is timeless, art is life.
Paintings in different techniques since 1995-, Bronze Sculptures 2013-, Cheramics 2018-
International Group Exhibitions/jury, for example
2015 Centro Arte Contemporanea Cittadella 'Oggi é tutto molto strano' Italy.
2015 Tone International Art Miniature Exhibition 2015 Bangladesh.
2016 European Cultural Association & Finroart XXI 'Countrylife', Hovikartano, Finland.
2016 Scandinavian Art Association 'Fracture', Loviisa, Finland. Bronze Sculptures.
2017 The New York Art Connection 'Finland 100 anniversary', New York, USA.
2017 WAG 'World Art Games'- International Artistic organization in Croatia.
2017 WAG 'World Art Games'- International Artistic organization in Finland.
2017 WAG 'World Art Games'- International Artistic organization in Mexico.
2017 WAG 'World Art Games'- International Artistic organization in Iran.
2018 WAG 'World Art Games'- International Artistic organization in England.
2019 WAG 'World Art Games'- International Artistic organization in Germany.
2019 WAG 'World Art Games'- International Artistic organization in Austria/ also poetry.
2019 European Cultural Association Chemnitz, Germany.
2019 European Cultural Association Ugor Cultural Centre, Syktyvkar, Russia.
2020 European Cultural Association Switzerland, cancellation due to Covid19.
2021 WAG 'World Art Games'- International Artistic organization in Mexico, Peace and Fragnety Festifal.
2022 WAG 'World Art Games'- International Artistic organization, winner in International Calendar competition 2022 ' November'.
National Group Exhibitions/jury, for example
2004-2016 Koillis- Pirkan Taide, jury among others Eero Hiironen.
2014 Ars Jok´vars, 20. anniversary, Jämsä, jury Oiva Meriläinen
2014-2017 Finnish Artists' Association 46.-49. anniversary, jury Vikberg, Uggla, Sinivaara
2015 Picture of Pirkanmaa, Tampere, jury Janne Laine.
2018 European Cultural Association, 20. anniversary
1. Espoo Cultural Centre, jury Paul Tiililä. Bronze Sculptures.
2. Järvenpää house, jury Tuula Siltasari. Bronze Sculptures.
2018 Suomenselän taiteilijaseura ry 50. anniversary, Alajärvi in Art Museum of Eero Nelimarkka
2022 Finnish Artits' Association 54. anniversary, jury Tero Annanolli.
Invitational exhibitions for example
2016 Scandinavian Contemporary Art, Fogga de Malaga, Opening exhibition, Spain.
2017 Pavilion of Gallery Gaudi (Madrid) in Berliner Liste Art Fair, Germany.
2017 The New York Art connection, Season Exhibition, New York, USA.
2017- 2018 Web Gallery of Red Sheep Gallery in Stockholm, Sweden.
2017 The New York Art Connection, Open Gallery, New York, USA.
2021 Galleria Kookos, Helsinki.
Several Solo and Group Exhibitions in Finland
Author of the two Finnish Association's artist register.
2010-2015 president ofArt Association in Virrat.
2013- Art Association in Suomenselkä, Member of Artists register, president 2015-2016.
2013- Finnish Art Association.
2014- Finnish Artists' Association. Member of Artists register.
2013- European Cultural Association, vice president 2016-2017, president 2017-.
2014- Art Group 'Four Palettes'.
2017- Athens Art, International Artistic Organization.
2017- WAG, International Artistic Organization, vice President of Finland 2017-2021. www.wagames.org
2021- Helsingborgs Kunstförening, helsingborgskunstförening.se
2022 Ruoveden Taideyhdistys ry
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